Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The smile is healthy you know .

The most important thing in the ministry that we should be able to provide the best for our konsumenya.Terutama should be able to create the Five S is a smile, greeting, greetings, polite, santun.nah that this time we will discuss about the smile, apparently healthy smile you know: )

Yes ... a smile is the law for an abundant muslim.Senyum presenting any benefits, but unfortunately many who underestimate this even smile meninggalkannya.Dari Islamic side is sedekah.Artinya he has a pretty lofty position.


Here is some research on a smile:

1. A sincere smile without force can prevent us from disease kardiovaskuler.Senyum smile as much as 20 times every 20 seconds duration may produce endorphins that serve dilate blood vessels and inhibit epinephrine. The high epinephrine will cause constriction of blood vessels and stimulate more rapid motion of the heart which can cause high blood pressure (hypertension), which resulted in the onset of stroke.

2. Effects of relaxation, a feeling of happiness and lower stress levels.

3.Mencegah onset of constipation (difficult bowel movements). On the morning of intestinal peristalsis lambat.maka still smile in the morning we will stimulate bowel movements due to contraction of the abdominal muscles caused by senyum.Akhirnya, increased intra-abdominal pressure.

4.Marah or stress can eliminate a lot of potassium due to contraction of the muscle-otot.Akibatnya crabby be exposed hypokalemia (low potassium levels in the blood) and a negative impact on system tersenyumakan merileksasikan tubuh.Sedangkan the muscle so that it can reduce spending kalium.Fungsi potassium itself is increasing regularity of the heart rate, resulting in muscle contraction and helps blood pressure.

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